Category Archives: authors

Dream Chasers


soccer game pixOkay, I am going to be honest. I miss blogging. Traveling through life with fellow readers and writers is something I enjoy. You inspire me and when you read what I write it, it gives me an outlet for expression, not to mention, it’s good for my mental health.

A few weeks ago on Facebook and via the Pensees blog, I asked if I should continue to blog.  I  noticed fewer people are blogging these days and those who still do, are doing it less. I had to figure out if blogging was worth my time.

I asked and you answered. Some said, “Stop the blog and go for the larger projects you are pursuing.

Others said, “Keep at it, it refines your skills and craft.”

My writer friends had great insights. Like me, they often ask, “What is the best use of my time? How can I meet my goals, carry out my dreams, and connect with others? Can I really get paid for this pursuit?”

Thanks for speaking up and speaking out…Bob, Heather, Jennifer, Angela, Jon A., Barbara, too many other writers/bloggers to name….

I think the final decision came when I was talking with my ten-year old twin grandsons.  We were talking about dreams. They both want to be professional soccer players when they grow up.  But they turned the tables on me and asked, “What did you want to be when you were our age?”

I choked on that one, nothing like a ten-year old to call you out? I knew the answer. My life long dream is to be a writer.  Writing has never been something I do, it has always been part of who I am.

Then they said, “You’re already writing, right Mimi?”

I explained to them about time constraints, my new job, all the writing projects I have in mind, and my dilemma of trying to do it all while chasing my dream. They smiled and gave  simple yet profound answers.

The contemplative one said, “Mimi, just do your best.”

The outgoing twin chimed in, “Yeah Mimi, you always tell us to do our best and have fun!”

So that’s my answer, I am going to do my best and have fun. I will blog when I have something to say. I will work on projects as time and creativity allow.

Enough talk, I am back at the keyboard.  It’s time for me to write. I am a writer after all.

So I ask you, what’s your dream and when will you start chasing it again?

Don’t Miss the Signs


tsa agentA friend of mine has several children and each year she takes one of them on a special trip with just her. This year it was her teenaged daughter’s turn and it was going to be her first plane trip. As they arrived at the airport, she used the time to teach her teenager the ins and outs of flying. She walked her through the check in process and everything was going well.

As they approached the security area, she explained in detail what to do. She told her daughter to watch her and do what she did and it would all go smoothly. They took off their shoes, jackets, and backpacks and placed them in the bins. Then, my friend went through the metal detector. No problem, no noise, no nothing. Right on her heels was her daughter, following her mother’s lead.

When the teenager tried to enter the machine, the TSA agent held up his hand to stop the daughter from entering the detector until high fiveher mother had cleared the scanner. Instead of stopping, she thought he was giving her a high-five. What did she do? She gave him a high-five back!

No kidding! She did! Did you know you aren’t supposed to touch a TSA agent? The gentleman proceeded to scold her, humiliating her in public.  Of course, my friend politely set him straight about her daughter misinterpreting his sign. It all ended well, but her daughter learned a valuable lesson that day. It’s important to interpret the signs correctly. 

haltSigns are a part of our everyday lives. They are everywhere. Even the Bible speaks of signs. In the Old Testament God used signs and wonders to reveal Himself to mankind. In Daniel 4:3, the pagan King Nebuchadnezzar finally interpreted what he saw correctly. He acknowledged the Most High God because he recognized God’s signs. Nebuchadnezzar declared, “How great are His signs And how mighty are His wonders!…”

Today, I say to you, “Halt! Open your eyes. Don’t miss the miraculous signs and wonders of the Lord.” They are everywhere and they are awesome. Join me in prayerfully giving God a “Holy High Five.” His wonderous signs deserve it.

Use What You Have


About 5:30 on Friday afternoon, I realized I didn’t plan anything for dinner. That is usually solved by a take out pizza or a quick burger to go but we had that twice this week. I know, shame on me. Right? But there comes a time when a man use what you havewants a home cooked dinner instead of a cheap substitute. I had to quickly solve the problem of what to fix for supper? We have a garden this summer and the vegetables are being harvested a few at a time. I looked in the refrigerator and in the pantry and I took an inventory. There was plenty of food already in the house.  The question was how to use what I already had and turn it into something wonderful?  All the ingredients I found seemed like it would make an Italian or French dish. If Giada and Ina can cook, so can I. (by the way, the photos in this week’s blog I actually took myself, thanks Oklahoma Women Bloggers for the blog tip)

I used eggplant, a small zucchini,  garlic, onion, peppers, fresh tomatoes, olive oil, a little Herb de Provence, salt, pepper, fresh basil, and dry white wine. I opened up a can of white Cannellini beans (if for no other reason than they sounded Italian) to add some protein. I put it all in the pot and let it simmer until it was a nice consistency. Voila´ratatouille! While it simmered, I made mushroom risotto for the side dish since I had all the ingredients on the shelf. Risotto is basically Arborio rice that is slowly cooked in white wine and broth, stirred constantly with the lid off. Once the rice is tender and creamy, you add parmesan cheese.

Voila!Mark was surprised when he walked in the back door. He smiled as he smelled the finished dishes and he was excited to sit down to a special meal. I was thrilled to be able to use what I already had to make healthy, satisfying food and to please my husband at the same time.

Our lives are a lot like dinner that night. We can look around and wonder what to do with ourselves while in reality, we have all the ingredients for something wonderful right before our eyes. 

Each of us has been given talents, personalities, the ability think, and the capacity for love.  If you are a Christ-follower you have more available in your pantry, additional spiritual ingredients like: fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), the Bread of Life (John 6:32-35), new wine (Proverbs 3:10) and oil (Psalm 45:7). What an amazing list and that’s only the beginning!  We have the ingredients, we simply have to use what we have.

When will you take a personal inventory?  Look at your resources. What ingredients do you have that are not being used? How will you use what you have so you can experience a rich and satisfying life?


Rainbow Shooters


rainbowA couple of years ago a friend of mine was going through a particularly difficult time. She had weathered numerous storms in her life but this time, there were several stressful things happening all at once. Trials with her health, difficulties with her children, and even family issues were taking a toll on her. She was suffering spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She said to preserve her sanity she had pulled away from a lot of relationships. This young woman who was always an outgoing, sanguine personality had to set distinct boundaries in her life in order to survive during this time.

As she poured out her heart to me, she explained the hurtful conversations she had with others when she tried to maintain relationships with her friends and family. Through her tears, she told me that being around people with seemingly perfect lives made her angry and sad. She said, as she was looking for hope and mercy just to survive each day, those people complained about everything. To make matters worse, she said they offered her meaningless advice and empty platitudes, to try to help. I asked her how that made her feel and I will never forget how she described those people. Her voice broke as she cried, “They are nothing but a bunch of rainbow shooters!” At that moment, I totally understood. 

Later I spent a lot of time pondering her description. I decided you could take the term “rainbow shooters” a couple of ways. Did she mean they offer a shot of something to make her feel better, like the “rainbow shooter” drinks that are served in a bar? Maybe a quick, “you will feel better soon” or “this too shall pass.” rainbow shot A small shot of mercy that might deaden her pain for a while.

Or did she mean, while she was looking to the Lord for hope and mercy (like the Biblical promise in the rainbow)  they took aim at her heart and shot down her rainbow? Were they shattering  the Lord’s promises which was all she had to hold onto during this time?

To this day, I am not sure what the meaning is but there is one thing I know for sure, I don’t want to be a “rainbow shooter” to my rainbow gunfriends and family. It is always hard to watch someone struggle in their lives as they face things beyond their control. But, I am learning to be slow to speak and quick to lavish others with my love and prayers.

God gave the rainbow in Genesis 9 as sign to Noah and to us, so we will remember God, His promises, His mercy, His hope and His everlasting covenant. Genesis 9:16, “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” The question for us is this, will we point others to God’s promises or will we be “rainbow shooters?”


Scarred for Life


bandaged ladyHave you ever seen anyone who has terrible scars due to illness, accident, or trauma?  I remember seeing a young woman on a talk show who was terribly disfigured because her father poured acid on her face and hands.  The burns healed but she would need numerous plastic surgeries. Through her tears, she said, “I’ll never be the same on the inside or outside.”

This courageous lady, broke down and cried when she talked about her life. She openly admitted that the hardest part was going out in public where others could see her scars.  She said people either gasp and stare, turn away shocked, or they approach her, ask questions, and offer her their compassion.

Not many of us escape this life without an event or trauma that leaves us changed forever. All of us are scarred in some way. For most of us, our scars are on the inside, not visible to others. I wonder what it would be like to go out into public where everyone’s internal scars are exposed? Imagine walking down the street and actually seeing the visible scars of mental abuse, failure, public sin, disappointment, loss, depression, and persecution.

How would we respond and react to one another if, we knew their scar filled story?  Would we stare and secretlyhands compare our wounds to theirs?  Would we be thankful that our hurts aren’t as bad as theirs? Would we turn away shocked to see someone so exposed and vulnerable? Or, would we take time to approach them, ask questions, and extend heartfelt compassion and care? 

I pray I would be like Jesus. He was an advocate for the down and out.  He came to the rescue of those with internal, as well as, external scars. He reached out to the demon possessed, those caught in adultery, and even prostitutes who sold their self-esteem and reputation for a bit of bread. Psalm 145:9 says, “The Lord is good to all, and His compassion is over all that he has made.” May we follow the example of Jesus, the one who extended compassion with perfection.

Women of Iron


woman lifting ironTuesday night I took a giant leap of faith and I attended a local writer‘s group called WordWeavers. Several months ago a friend told me about them but I couldn’t muster up the courage to go. I didn’t feel like much of a writer anymore. I wasn’t seeing  growth in the blog and it had been a year since I had posted anything.  About the time I was going to give up on my writing dream, I felt this gentle nudge. The nudge was soon followed by a strong desire and then the desire compelled me to act.  I emailed the friend who previously invited me. Guess what? That day was their regular monthly meeting. I don’t believe in coincidence but I do believe the Lord nudges us through His Holy Spirit‘s presence and His timing is always perfect.

As I prepared to leave for the meeting, I noticed I had butterflies in my stomach. These weren’t ordinary butterflies but those that flip, flop, and flutter. I didn’t need to be nervous. When I arrived, the members were friendly as they welcomed each new person.  The writer’s group has male and female members but on this night only women were present. The first thing I noticed about each author was her passion for her craft. These women were all ages and their writing styles were as diverse as their personalities.

After they took care of the evening’s business, the president led the group to a time of short story review. These stories were written by members of WordWeavers. As each author spoke, they offeredwoman with computer honest, constructive feedback and criticism. They exchanged ideas with civility instead of hostility. They encouraged instead of discouraged, they were building up instead of tearing down. I noticed the absence of pride, as those, whose work was critiqued; accepted each honest assessment with great humility and gratitude.

I sat quietly. I watched, listened, and learned. By spending time in the presence of these wonderful women, I became better, sharper, more focused, and definitely inspired to chase the dream that the Lord planted deep in my heart many years ago. I can’t wait to become friends with this group of gifted people. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Based on this verse, I quickly came to a conclusion. The women I met are “women of iron.” As iron sharpens iron, the “women of iron” will sharpen me with great  skill and their tools of the trade will be pen, paper, and a computer. I promise to keep you posted (weekly I hope).

Thank you Jesus for stirring my heart once again.